Doing Good Rewards

Doing Good Rewards merges shopping discounts with charitable donations, benefiting both consumers and charities through seamless transactions and social impact.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Loyalty Foundation

Research Report

Doing Good Rewards combines shopping discounts with charitable giving, creating a unique way for people to save money while supporting their favourite charities. By purchasing from participating retailers, users automatically contribute a portion of their savings to a chosen cause. This seamless integration of saving and giving makes a significant social impact without extra effort from the user.

Members of Doing Good Rewards do not need to carry a separate loyalty card or remember promo codes. The system automatically detects registered Visa or Mastercard transactions and applies the appropriate discount. Retail partners are continuously added, enhancing the user's ability to support more causes through everyday purchases.

In just a few minutes, anyone can download the app and join this global movement for social impact. This innovative approach to rewards programmes not only benefits individual users but also fosters a community focused on positive change through charity and consumerism.

Key Takeaways

  • Doing Good Rewards merges shopping discounts with charitable donations.
  • Registered card transactions automatically apply savings and contributions.
  • Joining the programme is quick and promotes a global social impact movement.

The Concept of Doing Good Rewards

Doing Good Rewards integrates charitable giving with everyday shopping, aiming to provide sustainable funding for charities. This innovative approach benefits both consumers and charities, aligning with the socially conscious consumer trend.

Charitable Giving and Its Impact

Doing Good Rewards aims to make charity giving effortless and continuous. Shoppers contribute to various charities every time they make a purchase at participating retailers. This automatic mechanism reduces the burden on charities to actively seek donations and allows them to focus more on their core missions. By 2026, Doing Good Rewards plans to distribute over £200 million to charities through this programme.

This system ensures that charitable organisations receive a steady stream of funding. Consistent donations help these organisations plan long-term projects more effectively, ultimately expanding their impact within the community.

Understanding Rewards Programmes

In most rewards programmes, members earn points or discounts for their purchases. Doing Good Rewards takes this concept further. When a consumer shops with a registered Visa or Mastercard at a partner retailer, the system recognises the card and applies a discount automatically. A percentage of this discount is then allocated to a charity chosen by the consumer or predefined by the programme.

This seamless integration means users do not need to show loyalty cards or remember promo codes. Their charitable contributions happen in the background. This convenience caters to busy consumers who want to make a positive impact without extra effort.

Loyalty Programs and Charity Collaboration

Loyalty programmes are typically designed to encourage repeat business. By adding a charitable aspect, Doing Good Rewards creates a unique selling point for participating retailers. Shoppers are more likely to patronise stores where their purchases support charitable causes. This collaboration aligns with a rising socially conscious consumer trend where customers prefer brands that demonstrate corporate social responsibility.

Retailers benefit from increased customer loyalty and enhanced brand reputation. Consumers appreciate the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations effortlessly. For example, participants can keep track of their charitable contributions for use during tax filing, further incentivising participation.

This approach bridges the gap between companies and consumers, fostering a community focused on mutual benefit and positive social impact.

How Rewards Systems Operate

Rewards systems function by offering perks to customers or employees in exchange for their loyalty or successful achievements. These systems can include discounts, points, or gifts and can be integrated with various types of cards and online platforms to enhance user experience.

Types of Rewards Programmes

There are several types of rewards programmes. Points-based systems are common and allow customers to accumulate points through purchases, which can later be redeemed for discounts or products. Membership programmes often include exclusive member-only benefits such as early access to sales or special discounts.

Monetary incentives such as bonuses and profit-sharing are frequently used in employee reward systems. Non-monetary rewards might include public recognition, additional vacation days, or flexible working hours.

EFTPOS, Visa, and MasterCard Partnerships

Partnering with financial services like EFTPOS, Visa, and MasterCard is a smart move for rewards systems. When a rewards programme is connected with these cards, it simplifies the process for users. They can earn rewards automatically when making purchases with a linked card, eliminating the need for a separate app or account.

Businesses can also offer special rewards for using specific cards, such as 5% cashback on all purchases made with a Mastercard. This not only benefits the customer but also increases card usage and loyalty to both the card issuer and the shop offering the rewards.

Technology and Rewards: Apps and Online Systems

Modern rewards systems often utilise apps and online platforms for seamless integration. Companies can develop custom apps where users can track their points, redeem rewards, and see personalised offers. This tech-savvy approach provides real-time updates and a convenient way for users to manage their rewards.

Online platforms can also facilitate partnerships with various merchants, offering customers a wider range of redemption options. Being able to integrate with social media or e-commerce websites can further enhance the reach and effectiveness of a rewards programme, making it an essential tool in today's digital-first environment.

Participation in Rewards Systems

Participation in rewards systems involves a structured process that ensures both individuals and merchants can engage effectively. This includes the steps for registering and how charities are selected and nominated for contributions.

Registering for Rewards

To become part of the Doing Good Rewards programme, participants first need to register. This is a straightforward process that usually involves filling out a simple online form with personal details. Once registered, participants gain access to offers and discounts from various participating retailers.

For merchants, registration involves more detailed information about their business. They have the flexibility to set, update, or withdraw their offers with just one day’s notice. This allows businesses to tailor their promotions to suit seasonal needs or daily demands. Merchant registration helps attract customers who are looking to support companies that give back to the community.

Selection of Charities and Nomination Process

In the Doing Good Rewards system, charities play a vital role. Participants can choose which charities they want their rewards to benefit. To facilitate this, the platform allows users to select from a list of chosen charities.

Sometimes, participants can also nominate other charities to be included. This nomination process is essential for expanding the range of nominated charities. It usually involves submitting the charity’s details for review. Once approved, the nominated charity becomes part of the platform.

For merchants, participating in this system means aligning their offers with charitable contributions. They can highlight specific charities in their promotions to encourage more customer engagement. This alignment makes the rewards system beneficial for all parties involved, fostering a sense of community and support.

Maximising Contributions While Shopping

Doing Good Rewards provides a unique opportunity to contribute to charities while shopping. By integrating discounts across various sectors and ensuring automatic contributions, shoppers can effortlessly support their chosen causes.

Shopping Discounts and Offers

Doing Good Rewards allows merchants to customise their discounts and offers. This flexibility means that discounts can be tailored to suit specific seasons or business needs. Merchants can update or remove offers with just one day’s notice, making it convenient for both businesses and customers. Shoppers can benefit from discounts ranging from 5% to 25%, with a portion of these savings automatically directed to their nominated charities.

Specialised Sectors: Groceries, Retail, and Hospitality

Participating merchants come from various lifestyle categories, including groceries, retail, and hospitality. This variety means shoppers can support different charities simply by making everyday purchases. Whether buying groceries, shopping for clothes, or dining out, consumers can enjoy discounts while contributing to their favourite causes. Through this platform, every pound spent can help make a difference in multiple sectors.

Everyday Shopping and Automatic Discounts

Shoppers can register their Visa or Mastercard on the Doing Good Rewards platform. After registering, every purchase made at a participating retailer will automatically trigger a discount. For every dollar saved, 50 cents are credited to the shopper's account, and 50 cents are donated to a chosen charity. This automatic process ensures that contributions are made effortlessly, promoting sustainable funding for charities with minimal effort.

Fuel Savings and the Role of Petrol Stations

In addition to retail and groceries, Doing Good Rewards extends to fuel purchases. Participating petrol stations provide automatic discounts on fuel, which can translate into significant savings over time. These savings are divided similarly, with a portion directed to the shopper's account and a portion to charity. This feature makes it easy for drivers to support charitable causes while meeting their everyday fuel needs.

Benefiting from Rewards Programmes

Engaging with rewards programmes can offer significant benefits, such as gift cards, instant notifications on savings, tax benefits from charity donations, and contributions within B2B environments. These elements can lead to both personal and business advantages.

Gift Cards and Vouchers as Rewards

Gift cards and vouchers provide a straightforward way to benefit from rewards programmes. They can be used at various merchants, making them versatile.

When a member of a rewards programme shops at participating stores, they can often earn points that can be later redeemed for gift cards. This can result in substantial savings, especially when shopping for everyday items. For instance, the Doing Good Rewards Programme allows users to collect points from purchases and convert them into usable gift cards, offering a practical reward system for frequent shoppers.

Tracking Savings and Impact with Notifications

Receiving instant notifications on savings and impact makes it easier to track personal and charitable benefits.

Modern rewards programmes often provide real-time alerts through apps or emails, detailing the discounts received and the portion forwarded to nominated charities. For instance, the Doing Good Rewards platform sends notifications as soon as a purchase is made with a registered card. This transparency not only keeps the user informed but also enhances the user experience by showing immediate benefits.

Tax Benefits of Charity Donations

Participating in rewards programmes that incorporate charity donations can offer tax advantages.

Donations made through these programmes can often be tax-deductible, reducing the donor's taxable income. This means that every pound donated can provide a direct financial benefit at tax time. Accurate records of charitable contributions are typically provided by the service provider, ensuring that users can easily claim these benefits when filing their tax returns.

Charity Contributions in B2B Environments

Rewards programmes can also extend benefits within B2B environments by fostering social responsibility and corporate goodwill.

Companies participating in such programmes can allocate part of their spending to charitable causes, enhancing their corporate social responsibility profile. This not only aids the chosen charities but also builds a positive brand image. For example, businesses using the Doing Good Rewards Programme can contribute to various causes, reflecting their commitment to social impact and potentially attracting socially-aware clients and partners.

Leveraging Technology for Social Good

Innovative technologies are transforming how organisations and individuals contribute to social causes. Key advancements include integrated payment systems, novel charity reward programmes, and the growth of e-commerce and online giving.

Integration with Payment Systems

Using integrated payment systems, companies can maximise their social impact. Doing Good Rewards, for instance, works with Visa, Mastercard, and eftpos, allowing for automatic recognition and processing of transactions. This system makes it simple for users to donate a portion of their savings, ensuring seamless and effortless contributions.

Such integration also helps businesses manage offers and discounts more effectively. Merchants have total control and can update, change, or remove offers at any time with just one day’s notice. This flexibility is essential for adapting to seasonal trends or daily business needs.

Innovations in the Charity Rewards Space

Doing Good Rewards showcases how innovation in the charity rewards space can benefit both consumers and charities. When a customer makes a purchase, a portion of the savings is donated to their chosen charity. For example, John, a registered member, can allocate 20% of his savings towards a cause, sending funds directly to the charity.

This approach not only rewards customers but also supports charitable organisations. By linking purchases to charitable donations, businesses can enhance customer loyalty while promoting social good. The system's transparency and ease of use make it appealing to a broad audience.

E-commerce and Online Giving

E-commerce platforms can play a crucial role in driving social good through online giving. Many companies now include options at checkout for customers to round up their payments and donate the spare change. This method is simple yet effective, encouraging small but impactful contributions.

Doing Good Rewards offers similar functionalities, allowing users to contribute to charities directly through their platform. These features are accessible via apps and websites, making it convenient for donors to give online. With the rising trend of online shopping, integrating such e-commerce solutions can significantly increase charitable donations.

Consumer Perspectives on Giving and Rewards

Consumers today are increasingly driven by their values, seeking to integrate socially responsible practices like charitable giving into their everyday lives. Understanding how public spending habits, socially conscious trends, and the desire for control influence these behaviours is key.

Public Spending and Charitable Behaviour

Public spending has become intertwined with charitable behaviour. Many consumers, particularly Australians, now prefer to support businesses that promote social good. They are more likely to spend on products or services that contribute to charitable causes, seeing it as an easy, zero-cost way to contribute through their daily transactions.

These choices reflect a significant shift in consumer behaviour towards integrating social value into spending decisions. Companies that demonstrate a commitment to social causes often find they can build stronger customer loyalty.

The Influence of Socially Conscious Consumer Trends

The rise of the socially conscious consumer trend has influenced how people view rewards. Gen Z and Millennials are at the forefront, prioritising ethical considerations in their purchases. They expect brands to be transparent and to back up their claims of social responsibility with tangible actions.

This demographic is digitally savvy, leveraging their social media presence to promote brands that align with their values. They drive change by rewarding businesses that incorporate social good into their business models. For them, rewards that reflect these values have more significant impact than traditional discounts alone.

Control and Choice in Donations

Consumers appreciate having control and choice when it comes to donations. Programs like Doing Good Rewards offer merchants the flexibility to dictate how and when they provide discounts and offers. This flexibility allows customers to choose which causes they want to support.

Such control ensures that consumers feel their efforts are aligned with their personal values, making the act of giving more meaningful. The ability to make informed choices enhances user engagement and satisfaction, fostering a stronger connection between the consumer and the brand.

Next Steps for Participants and Charities

Participants and charities can follow these steps to register, start giving, and look forward to the future prospects for charitable giving through the Doing Good Rewards Programme. Specific steps and benefits are highlighted to make the process smooth and impactful.

How to Register and Start Giving

To start participating, individuals need to securely register their Visa or Mastercard on the Doing Good Rewards platform. This is essential as it links their card to the charity giving system. Once registered, they can shop at any participating retailer, automatically contributing to their chosen charity.

Merchants control their discounts and offers, making it a flexible system. They can update or remove offers with just one day's notice, ensuring their business needs align with their charitable contributions. This makes fundraising seamless and integrated into everyday activities.

Charities gain from this zero-cost fundraising approach. By ensuring 100% of the donation reaches the beneficiary charity, organisations can count on a constant and reliable source of funds without additional overhead. This system allows charities to focus on their missions and deliver real change on the ground.

Future Prospects for Charitable Giving

The Doing Good Rewards platform aims to transform how people perceive and engage in charity. By 2026, the programme targets to give more than $200 million to charities. This is ambitious yet achievable if current trends and participation continue to rise.

Loyalty programmes also play a significant role. Participants benefit from 5-25% discounts, half of which they receive personally, while the other half goes to charities. This model not only provides savings to users but also ensures steady donations, fostering a culture of giving.

Charities will find this sustainable funding model beneficial. With simpler processes, they can dedicate more time and resources to their actual work rather than on fundraising activities. This can help them change the world one step at a time, truly touching the heart of their missions and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Doing Good Rewards offers an easy way to contribute to charitable causes while shopping. Below are answers to common questions about signing up, benefits, reviews, and more.

How can I sign up for a charity rewards programme?

Signing up for the Doing Good Rewards programme is straightforward. Visit their website and register with your Visa, Mastercard, or eftpos card. Once registered, you can start shopping and automatically donate a portion of your savings to your chosen charity.

What are the benefits of participating in a philanthropic rewards scheme?

Participants can enjoy exclusive discounts from various merchants. Every time you shop, a portion of your discount goes to a nominated charity, making it a win-win situation for both consumers and charities. Check out their FAQs for more details.

Where can I find reviews of altruistic rewards programmes?

Reviews and feedback about Doing Good Rewards can often be found on their official website and other consumer review platforms. These reviews provide insights from current users about their experiences and satisfaction with the programme.

How does the Salvation Army's rewards initiative operate?

Participants can support the Salvation Army through the Doing Good Rewards system. When consumers shop at participating retailers, part of their discount automatically goes to the Salvation Army. This seamless process makes contributing to the charity easy and convenient.

Can existing reward points be donated to charitable causes?

Doing Good Rewards mainly focuses on direct discounts and donating a portion of those savings. For specifics about donating existing reward points, it’s best to consult individual loyalty programmes or contact the Doing Good Rewards team via their contact page.

Are there tax advantages to joining a giving-reward scheme?

Tax advantages depend on local tax laws and regulations. Typically, donations made through such programmes may be eligible for tax deductions. It's advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand how your contributions may impact your tax situation.