
Omneo is a retail platform that unifies customer data for personalized experiences, supports detailed analytics, and enhances in-store and online interactions.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Loyalty Foundation

Research Report

If you're in the retail space and looking to enhance customer experiences, Omneo might be the solution you need. Omneo is a platform designed to unify your customer data and streamline interactions across various channels. Whether it's in-store, online, or through mobile apps, Omneo ensures your customers receive a consistent and personalised experience each time they engage with your business.

The platform excels at creating a single view of customer profiles, which helps in gaining insight into their preferences and behaviours. This functionality is particularly valuable for tailoring marketing efforts, updating stock levels, and managing customer loyalty programmes. By integrating and centralising customer data, Omneo makes it easier to deliver tailored experiences without juggling different systems.

Additionally, Omneo supports an array of features that are essential for modern retail operations. From customer relationship management to detailed analytics and reporting, the platform is robust enough to handle intricate retail needs while being user-friendly. This makes it a go-to solution for retailers aiming to stay competitive in a fast-evolving market.

Key Takeaways

  • Omneo unifies customer data for personalised experiences.
  • It provides a single view of customer profiles across channels.
  • The platform supports detailed analytics and reporting for retail operations.

Understanding Omneo

Omneo offers a robust approach to improving customer experience (CX) by leveraging data and advanced tools. It focuses on customer-centric strategies and integrates seamlessly with various commerce tools to enhance clienteling and overall ecom operations.

Omneo's Core Philosophy

Omneo aims to help brands understand and maximise the value of their existing customers. By analysing customer data, Omneo allows companies to invest more effectively in retaining their current customer base rather than spending excessively on new customer acquisition through advertisements. This data-driven approach ensures that companies can make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby improving overall brand performance.

Omneo is particularly focused on creating a seamless and personalised customer experience. Through its analytical capabilities, it enables brands to tailor interactions and services to meet the specific needs of each customer. This clienteling strategy ensures that customers feel valued and understood, fostering long-term relationships and loyalty.

Components of the Omneo CX Suite

The Omneo CX Suite includes various components designed to streamline different aspects of customer management. Key elements are Profiles, Transactions, Products, Stores, and Staff. Each component plays a crucial role in building a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

Profiles provide detailed customer data, including past interactions and preferences. Transactions track purchasing behaviour, enabling businesses to identify trends and opportunities for upselling or cross-selling. The Products component helps manage inventory and aligns with customer preferences, ensuring that the most relevant items are available.

Stores and Staff features play an essential role in enhancing in-store experience. These components facilitate personalised interactions between staff and customers. With tools like eReceipts and rolling NPS surveys, businesses can gather continuous feedback from customers, ensuring that their needs and expectations are consistently met.

By integrating these components, the Omneo CX Suite ensures that every aspect of the customer journey is optimised, leading to a more satisfying and effective customer experience.

Omneo's Architecture

Omneo's architecture is designed to handle high-quality, low-latency audio with robust system control and monitoring. The architecture is built to ensure seamless media transport and management.

Single View: Mastering Customer Data

A key aspect of Omneo's architecture is its ability to provide a single view of customer data. This means integrating data from various touchpoints to create a comprehensive view of each customer. This integration helps in making informed decisions and improving customer interactions.

The single view merges data from different departments and systems, breaking down data silos. This creates a unified profile that includes purchase history, interaction records, and preferences. With this consolidated data, businesses can better tailor their services and products to individual needs.

The Developer Hub and API Integration

Omneo's architecture also features a robust developer hub, offering extensive tools and resources for developers. The hub includes detailed API references, sample codes, and tutorials to streamline the integration process.

API integration is crucial for customising and extending Omneo's capabilities. Developers can use these APIs to connect Omneo with other systems, automate workflows, and enhance functionality. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt the platform to their unique requirements, ensuring a scalable and customised solution.

Customer Data Management

Omneo offers robust solutions for managing customer data, ensuring businesses can efficiently handle profiles while maintaining security and compliance standards.

Profiling and Segmentation

Efficient profiling and segmentation are vital. Omneo integrates customer profiles from various sources, consolidating them into a single view. This helps businesses understand their customers better, offering personalised experiences. By using zero-party data, retailers can gather explicit preferences directly from customers.

Segmentation allows for targeted marketing. Omneo's platform supports creating segments based on various attributes like buying behaviour, demographics, and engagement history. These insights enable companies to tailor their approaches, making marketing efforts more effective and personalised.

Profiles are updated in real-time, ensuring businesses always have the most current information. This dynamic system helps in reacting swiftly to changing customer preferences and trends.

GDPR Compliance and Data Security

Maintaining GDPR compliance is crucial for any business handling customer data. Omneo ensures that all customer data management practices meet these regulations. This involves obtaining clear consent from customers for data collection and processing, as well as guaranteeing the right to access, rectify, and delete their data.

Data security is another cornerstone of Omneo's offerings. The platform employs strong encryption methods and access controls to safeguard customer information. By centralising data management, Omneo reduces the risk of data breaches and enhances security.

Additionally, the platform offers tools for auditing and monitoring data access, ensuring that businesses can track how customer data is used and comply with legal requirements. This comprehensive approach helps businesses maintain trust and transparency with their customers.

The Role of the Customer Profile Portal

The Customer Profile Portal is a vital component in managing customer relationships. It acts as a central hub for storing and accessing customer data. This data includes personal information, transaction history, and preferences.

The portal provides a secure connection through mobile or email verification. This ensures that the customer's information remains protected.

Omneo's Profile Portal functions as a headless progressive web app. This means it integrates seamlessly with other systems, such as eCommerce platforms, without being dependent on them.

Key Features:

  • Customer Profiles: Allow customers to view and edit their personal and transactional information.
  • Real-Time Updates: Syncs and updates information in real-time across different platforms.
  • Brand Relationship Manager: Positions itself as not just a CRM but a BRM (Brand Relationship Manager), enhancing customer experience.

By offering a user-friendly interface, the portal enables both customers and staff to interact with and manage customer profiles effectively. Customers can update their preferences and personal details through the portal. Staff can view and manage these profiles via clienteling screens in stores and customer service systems.

The Profile Portal also includes a Customer Preference Centre. This centre allows customers to manage their communication preferences, ensuring they receive only relevant information and promotions.

By linking profiles across various systems, the portal ensures a unified and consistent customer experience.

Omneo in Retail Operations

Omneo plays a vital role in enhancing both in-store customer experiences and clienteling efforts. It provides tools that enable retail staff to better serve customers and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Enhancing In-Store Customer Experience

Omneo focuses on creating a seamless customer experience in physical stores. Despite the rise of e-commerce, over 80% of all retail sales still happen in-store, and 65% of Australian consumers prefer shopping in physical stores for personal interaction. Omneo offers technology that helps retailers understand customer preferences and behaviours.

This not only allows for a more personalised shopping experience but also encourages brand loyalty. Retailers can use Omneo's tools to identify frequent customers and offer them tailored promotions or personalised recommendations. The result is a shopping environment that makes customers feel valued and understood.

Clienteling and Staff Enablement

Omneo excels in clienteling, enabling retail staff to provide more personalised and efficient service. With Omneo's solutions, staff can access a single view of customer data to better understand past purchases, preferences, and interactions.

This information empowers staff to make informed recommendations, increasing the likelihood of a purchase. Moreover, it enhances customer satisfaction as staff can cater to individual needs effectively. Omneo also supports training and implementation, ensuring that retail teams are well-equipped to use the technology to its full potential. This makes the shopping experience smoother and more enjoyable for customers.

Engagement and Loyalty Strategies

Omneo focuses on creating effective engagement and loyalty strategies that include tailored rewards and incentives, as well as customer loyalty and referral programs to build lasting customer relationships.

Tailored Rewards and Incentives

Tailored rewards and incentives play a pivotal role in engaging customers and fostering loyalty. Omneo's platform offers various incentive programs that include personalised rewards based on customer purchase patterns. These can be structured through a points system, where customers earn points for each purchase.

The programme may also incorporate different tiers, providing higher rewards and exclusive benefits to high-tier members. Incentives might include discounts, access to exclusive products, or additional services. For example, frequent flyer programs are a popular type of tiered incentive in the airline industry.

Using these tailored rewards helps improve customer engagement by providing value that is customised to individual preferences. This strategy not only keeps existing customers engaged but also attracts new customers through the promise of valuable rewards and incentives.

Customer Loyalty and Referral Programs

Customer loyalty and referral programs are designed to retain existing customers and attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth. Omneo enables brands to track and reward customer loyalty. This can include loyalty incentives like points for recurring purchases or special rewards for long-term engagement.

Referral programs are also crucial. Customers who refer friends and family can receive additional points or discounts, encouraging them to become brand advocates. Omneo's tools allow businesses to manage and monitor these programs efficiently, ensuring they contribute to overall engagement.

By focusing on customer loyalty and referrals, brands can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased sales and long-term business growth. These programs harness the power of existing customer relationships to build a wider, more committed customer base.

Omnichannel Experience and Services

Omnichannel retail aims to create seamless and integrated customer experiences by linking various retail touchpoints. This ensures customers enjoy consistent and personalised services, regardless of the platform they use for transactions.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms

Omneo integrates effectively with various e-commerce platforms, enabling retailers to offer a unified shopping experience. It connects customer data from different sources, allowing brands to personalise offerings and improve customer satisfaction.

Retailers can synchronise inventory, order history, and customer preferences across multiple platforms. This reduces the complexity of managing different systems. Real-time data sharing also means that insights into customer behaviour and purchasing patterns are readily available.

By integrating with e-commerce, Omneo provides robust analytics to track performance indicators and customer engagement. This helps businesses to fine-tune their online services and enhance customer loyalty through tailored promotions and rewards.

Bridging Online and Offline Touchpoints

Omneo excels in bridging the gap between online and offline touchpoints. With a centralised customer data system, brands can ensure that interactions at physical stores and online platforms are connected.

For instance, a customer might start shopping online, receive personalised recommendations through the web, and later complete the purchase in-store seamlessly. This approach makes customer journeys more smooth and enjoyable.

Additionally, staff at physical locations can access the same customer insights, enabling them to provide personalised service, such as exclusive in-store offers based on online behaviour. This cohesive strategy enhances the overall shopping experience by removing typical inefficiencies and ensuring consistency.

With Omneo, the transition between online and offline experiences becomes fluid, fostering a more connected and engaging environment for customers. This ultimately drives loyalty and repeat transactions.

Product Catalogue and Inventory

Omneo's product catalogue is an essential tool for managing and displaying products. Customers can create and customise their own lists, making their shopping experience more personal and enjoyable. Each list is a collection of items that can be shared with others or saved for later. This feature is ideal for those who want to organise their purchases in a structured manner.

Products included in an Omneo product list can be either items from the existing Omneo Product object or user-defined products. This flexibility allows customers to tailor their lists to their specific needs and preferences.

Inventory management is also streamlined in Omneo, as each product list is linked to a user profile. This connection ensures that inventory levels are accurately reflected in the product catalogue, helping retailers manage stock more effectively.

Key Features:

  • Customisable Lists: Users can create, name, and organise multiple lists.
  • Inventory Management: Lists are linked to user profiles for accurate stock tracking.
  • Sharing Options: Lists can be shared with friends or family.

Besides managing products, Omneo also enhances the customer journey by allowing agents to view and edit product lists in-store. This feature makes the retail experience smoother and more engaging for both the customer and the retailer.

For more details, you can visit the Product Lists page on Omneo's website.

Omneo's Extensions and Add-Ons

Omneo offers a variety of extensions and add-ons to enhance the platform’s capabilities. These solutions cater to both general enhancements and specific needs. They improve the user experience and provide specialised tools for businesses.

The Expansion of eReceipts

One of the key enhancements Omneo provides is eReceipts. This extension allows retailers to offer electronic receipts instead of paper ones. This not only saves paper but also makes it easy for customers to keep track of their purchases.

eReceipts can be integrated with customer profiles, making it easier to manage purchase histories. Retailers can use this data to offer personalised services and promotions. Moreover, eReceipts allow for quick and easy returns, improving the overall customer experience. This digital solution is a significant step towards more sustainable and efficient retail operations.

Add-On Solutions for Specialised Needs

Omneo also provides add-ons tailored for specific business requirements. These can include advanced analytics tools, customer satisfaction surveys, and loyalty programmes. For example, the Omneo Complete Edition includes features like rolling NPS surveys and eReceipts.

Specialised add-ons can improve customer engagement and streamline operations. These customisable solutions cater to diverse industries, ensuring that different business models can fully leverage Omneo’s capabilities. Whether it’s integrating with ERP systems or enhancing eCommerce platforms, Omneo’s add-ons provide the flexibility and functionality needed for modern retail environments.

By offering these specialised extensions, Omneo supports businesses in creating seamless and efficient customer experiences.

Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

Omneo offers powerful tools for businesses to gain insights into their data with detailed analytics and reporting capabilities. It allows businesses to report on customers individually and in aggregate. This ensures precise and up-to-date customer data is available for all departments.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) benefits greatly from Omneo. By recognising changes in customer behaviour, businesses can act promptly with tailored offers and messages. This makes customers feel valued and understood.

Using the Metabase Extension, businesses can connect to customer data, ask questions, and display answers in an intuitive format, whether as a bar graph or a detailed table. These reports can be delivered in various ways, such as dashboards, emails, or even Slack notifications.


  • Accurate Data: Ensures up-to-date customer information across all departments.
  • Tailored Messages: Allows for personalised offers based on customer behaviour.
  • Flexible Reporting: Data can be presented in multiple formats and delivered through different platforms.

Omneo also integrates with Customer Data Platforms (CDP), organising and making customer data actionable. This is fundamental for retailers aiming to provide a seamless omnichannel experience. By capturing relevant data at timely intervals, businesses can generate easy-to-configure reports and analytics dashboards.


FeatureDescriptionCRM IntegrationRecognises customer behaviour changes and sends personalised offers.Metabase ExtensionConnects to data, allowing intuitive question-response formats like bar graphs or tables.Central Data CollectionEnsures one central collection of data for all business departments.Omnichannel ReportingProvides consistent customer data across various shopping channels.

Partners and Brand Collaborations

Omneo collaborates with a range of partners to enhance the value they provide to brands. By working with these partners, Omneo allows brands to integrate additional services seamlessly.

Key Partners

  • Eway: A well-known name in supporting businesses, Eway provides services for over 30,000 enterprises.
  • Specialist Partners: Omneo integrates with select partners to offer services such as appointment scheduling and returns, enhancing customer experience.

Brand CollaborationsOmneo supports brands in creating more personalised and connected experiences for their customers. By understanding customer profiles, transactions, and interactions, brands can deliver a consistent journey.

ClientelingOmneo enhances clienteling by offering tools that allow brands to engage with their customers effectively. This includes tracking interactions to ensure a smooth and personalised experience every time a customer shops.

Each collaboration aims to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction by leveraging advanced tools and integrations. Brands benefit from a comprehensive view of their customers and can deliver a more tailored service.

Customer Support and Guidance

Omneo excels in providing robust customer support. The platform ensures each customer interaction is recorded against their profile, enabling a thorough history of issues, resolutions, and feedback. This information is accessible through Omneo's interfaces.

The customer app plays a crucial role, offering real-time insights and support options. By using the app, customers can manage their profiles, view service histories, and contact support teams effortlessly.


  • Consistent History: Access to complete customer service history.
  • Real-Time Insights: Immediate access to crucial information.
  • Enhanced Experiences: Personalised support based on customer profiles.

Key Features:

FeatureDescriptionProfile ManagementKeep contact info, addresses, and other details up to date.Issue TrackingRecord and monitor all customer service issues and resolutions.Feedback IntegrationCollect and integrate feedback for continuous improvement.

Support Channels:

  • Email: Direct help through detailed email communication.
  • Live Chat: Immediate assistance via the chat function.
  • Phone Support: Speak directly with a support representative.

For more information on how Omneo supports customer service teams, visit the Omneo Help Center. Use these resources for efficient, high-quality customer experiences and guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Omneo offers a wide range of services and products, from customer engagement platforms to professional audio systems. Below are answers to some common questions about their offerings.

How does the Omneo loyalty platform enhance customer engagement?

The Omneo loyalty platform allows customers to create personalised profiles. Brands use these profiles to offer tailored services and incentives, fostering stronger customer relationships.

What are the distinctive features of Omneo train services?

Omneo train services focus on high-quality passenger experiences. They feature comfortable seating, seamless connectivity, and enhanced safety measures. These elements aim to improve overall travel comfort and satisfaction.

In what ways can one integrate with the Omneo platform for business purposes?

Businesses can integrate with the Omneo platform through its Editions, Elements, and Extensions. These tools enable customisation to meet unique business needs, ensuring efficient and tailored customer service.

What career opportunities are available at Omneo, and how can one apply?

Omneo offers various career opportunities across different fields. Interested candidates can visit the company's careers page to explore available positions and submit applications online.

How does the RTS Omneo system benefit professional audio applications?

The RTS Omneo system provides high-quality multi-channel media transmission. It ensures reliable system control via standard Ethernet IP networks, making it suitable for professional audio applications.

What types of furniture does Omneo offer, and how does it ensure sustainability?

Omneo offers a wide range of sustainable furniture options. They focus on using eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes to minimise environmental impact, ensuring both style and sustainability.