Loyalty Boomerang

Loyalty Boomerang pioneers card-linked rewards for superannuation, enhancing retirement savings through shopping at 2,200+ merchants.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Card Linking
Rewards Foundation

Research Report

Loyalty Boomerang is changing the way businesses reward their customers. This innovative fintech company has rolled out Australia's first card-linked rewards program specifically for the superannuation industry. Members of participating super funds can boost their retirement savings simply by shopping at over 2,200 locations and 300 online merchants.

By partnering with major payment networks like MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS, Loyalty Boomerang ensures a seamless experience for users and businesses. Their cloud-based platform integrates with a network of retail and online partners, making it easy to accumulate rewards. This initiative not only enhances customer experience but also helps retail businesses engage more effectively with their customers.

The programme's partnership with Active Super demonstrates how Loyalty Boomerang is setting new standards in the superannuation and retail sectors. Offering rewards from well-known brands like The Iconic, BWS, and Pizza Hut, this collaboration highlights the significant potential of loyalty programs in driving customer engagement and financial benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Loyalty Boomerang boosts retirement savings through everyday shopping.
  • The program integrates with major payment networks for seamless rewards.
  • Active Super's partnership showcases the efficacy of loyalty programs.

Understanding Loyalty Boomerang

Loyalty Boomerang is a fintech company that has introduced unique loyalty programs. These programs benefit both customers and businesses by leveraging rewards, cashback, and points to enhance the customer experience and foster customer retention.

Concept and Origin

Loyalty Boomerang emerged as a response to traditional customer loyalty challenges. The company focuses on integrating innovative reward mechanisms such as points and cashback. By partnering with MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS, the platform ensures a seamless experience for users. The goal is to turn routine transactions into opportunities for customers to earn rewards, hence encouraging repeat business.

Current Trends

One of the most notable trends introduced by Loyalty Boomerang is their Super Booster program. This program links card transactions to rewards, closely integrating with retail partners. Shopping at over 300 online and 2,200 in-store locations in Australia boosts superannuation balances. This trend highlights the shift towards more meaningful and practical rewards that drive long-term engagement.

Benefits to Businesses

For businesses, Loyalty Boomerang offers a myriad of benefits. The platform's ability to integrate smoothly with existing payment systems like MasterCard and Visa means quick implementation with minimal disruption. Businesses can also collect valuable data on consumer purchasing habits. This data helps tailor marketing strategies more effectively, ensuring that promotional efforts are targeted and impactful.

Customer Advantages

Customers gain significantly from Loyalty Boomerang's programs. Using their regular payment cards, they can earn points and cashback without any extra steps. This streamlines the process and enhances the overall shopping experience. Additionally, rewards such as increased superannuation balances make everyday purchases more rewarding, providing customers with tangible, long-term benefits. This approach fosters loyalty, as customers are more likely to return to retailers that offer added value.

Loyalty Boomerang’s innovative approach to loyalty programs through meaningful rewards, smooth integration, and enhanced customer experiences sets it apart in the industry. The company's collaboration with a wide network of rewards partners ensures extensive opportunities for both retail businesses and consumers.

Loyalty Boomerang Technology

Loyalty Boomerang leverages advanced technology to enhance its services. Their platform focuses on API-first design, robust cloud-based solutions, seamless integration abilities, and strong security and scalability features.

API-First Platform

Loyalty Boomerang operates an API-first platform, enabling straightforward integration with partners. This platform allows financial services, retail partners, and other organisations to access and interact with data efficiently. The API design supports rapid updates and adaptation, ensuring that new functionalities can be added without major disruptions. This approach helps in customising services according to the specific needs of each partner.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Utilising cloud-based solutions, Loyalty Boomerang offers a flexible and scalable service. This cloud infrastructure supports large volumes of transactions and data processing. It ensures reliable performance and accessibility from various locations. Cloud technology also facilitates real-time processing and analytics, empowering partners with timely insights and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

Integration Capabilities

Loyalty Boomerang excels in its integration capabilities. The platform connects seamlessly with existing systems used by partners such as financial institutions and retailers. This compatibility minimises the need for extensive modifications during setup. Furthermore, it supports various payment networks including MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS, ensuring widespread applicability and ease of use for end-users.

Security and Scalability

Security and scalability are core aspects of Loyalty Boomerang's technology. They employ advanced security measures such as encryption and secure access protocols to protect sensitive data. The platform's design ensures it can handle growth in user numbers and transaction volumes without compromising performance. These features are crucial in maintaining trust and reliability in their services, which are used across numerous points of sale both online and offline.

Key Players in the Market

The loyalty solutions market features various notable players. Each company brings unique strengths and focuses on different aspects of loyalty management.


BoomerangMe ranks 2,130th among its competitors, which include companies like Toast and SpotOn. One of its distinguishing features is its part digital agency, part technology company hybrid nature. BoomerangMe operates from Sydney and London, focusing on running loyalty programmes for financial services organisations. Additionally, they offer advertiser sourcing and management services, providing a comprehensive suite for their clients. Their integrated approach has attracted significant attention in the industry, becoming a key player in the loyalty sector.


Covalent is notable in the loyalty market for offering advanced technological solutions for loyalty management. They specialise in integrating customer data to create personalised loyalty experiences. Their focus is on using analytics to drive customer engagement and retention. Covalent's solutions are particularly popular among large corporations looking to streamline their loyalty operations. They provide scalable solutions, ensuring enterprises can maintain customer engagement across different regions and demographics.

Partnership Networks

Partnership Networks plays a crucial role by connecting various stakeholders in the loyalty market. They enable businesses to collaborate effectively, fostering mutual growth through shared loyalty initiatives. This network focuses on financial services and retail industries, facilitating valuable partnerships between banks, airlines, and retailers. The creation of these alliances helps companies expand their reach and offer more versatile loyalty programs, benefiting both businesses and consumers.

Venture Backed Startups

The loyalty management sector sees significant activity from venture-backed startups. Firms like Allectus Capital invest in innovative startups that bring fresh ideas and technologies to the market. These startups are often nimble and can adapt quickly to changing market trends. They focus on cutting-edge solutions like AI-driven personalisation and blockchain for secure loyalty transactions. By securing venture funding, these startups can rapidly scale operations and compete with established players, driving innovation in the loyalty landscape.

Strategies for Implementing Loyalty Programs

Implementing loyalty programmes requires careful planning and execution. Key strategies include agile practices during development, ensuring cultural fit with the customer base, managing multiple locations effectively, and utilising feedback and implementation statistics for continuous improvement.

Program Development and Agile Practices

Developing a loyalty programme involves several key steps. Firstly, planning is crucial. Setting clear goals and objectives helps guide the process. It's important to use agile practices, allowing for flexibility and iteration.

Agile development means breaking the project into smaller tasks, which can be completed in sprints. This helps quickly identify and fix issues. Regular review meetings with stakeholders keep everyone aligned and ensure the project stays on track.

Testing is another vital step. Piloting the programme in a small market segment can provide valuable insights. This helps identify potential problems and refine the programme before full-scale implementation.

Cultural Fit and Customer Base Analysis

Understanding the cultural fit and customer base is essential. Conducting market research can help determine the preferences and expectations of the target audience. It's important to align the loyalty programme with these insights to ensure relevance and appeal.

Segmenting the customer base based on demographics, purchase behaviour, and preferences allows for more tailored rewards and communications. This increases engagement and satisfaction.

Ensuring the programme respects cultural norms and values is vital for acceptance. Customising the rewards and benefits to reflect local preferences enhances the perception of the programme being customer-centric.

Multi-Location Management

Managing a loyalty program across multiple locations presents unique challenges. Consistency in the programme's implementation is key, while also allowing for local adaptations to meet specific needs.

Centralised management can ensure uniformity in the core programme elements. However, enabling local flexibility helps cater to diverse markets. Regular training sessions for staff at different locations ensure they understand the programme and can effectively promote it.

Using a robust technology platform can facilitate seamless management across locations. This helps track customer data, manage rewards, and provide a consistent customer experience.

Implementation Statistics and Feedback

Implementation statistics and feedback are crucial for the continuous improvement of a loyalty programme. Analysing statistics such as enrolment rates, participation levels, and redemption rates helps understand the programme's performance.

Collecting customer feedback through surveys, interviews, and social media interactions provides insights into customer experiences and areas for improvement. Regularly reviewing these insights allows for timely adjustments to the programme.

Additionally, tracking the financial impact, such as increased sales and customer retention rates, helps measure the programme's effectiveness. This data aids in making informed decisions and optimising resources for better results.

Engagement Mechanisms and Rewards

Loyalty Boomerang’s new superannuation rewards program for Active Super leverages multiple engagement mechanisms to enhance its value to users. Key engagement methods include loyalty cards, card-linked rewards, and partnerships with merchants, all curated to optimise user experiences and rewards.

Loyalty Cards and Digital Integration

Loyalty cards play a vital role in the structure of many reward programs. They simplify the process of earning and redeeming rewards. Through seamless digital integration, users can link their loyalty cards with mobile apps.

Users receive push notifications informing them about special offers, their current points, and nearby reward partners. This integration fosters engagement by providing real-time updates. Digital platforms also allow users to manage their loyalty accounts, reducing friction and enhancing the overall experience.

Card-Linked Rewards

Card-linked rewards are another cornerstone of the program. Users can link their debit or credit cards to the loyalty scheme. When shopping at participating merchants, a percentage of their purchase is added to their superannuation balance.

Once set up, this ‘set and forget’ system automatically tracks and calculates rewards, requiring no additional action from users. This convenience makes it easy for participants to earn rewards effortlessly and regularly, encouraging ongoing engagement.

Affiliate and Online Merchant Partners

Partnerships with both affiliate and online merchants are crucial for expanding reward opportunities. The program includes more than 300 retail partners across 2,200 locations in Australia. These partnerships mean users can earn rewards across a wide range of products and services.

Online merchant partners also help broaden the appeal and convenience of the program. Users can earn rewards while shopping online, which adds a layer of accessibility and convenience. The presence of multiple shopping options helps engage a wider audience.

Customisable Reward Programs

Customisable reward programs allow users to tailor their experiences. Users can choose the type of rewards they find most appealing, whether it’s points, discounts, or other benefits. This personalisation enhances user satisfaction.

Being able to customise their rewards also encourages higher levels of engagement, as users are more likely to participate in a program that aligns with their preferences. Digital platforms make it simple for users to adjust their settings and track their progress, ensuring they get the most value out of the program.

Financial Aspects of Loyalty Boomerang Programs

Loyalty Boomerang offers financial benefits through retailer-funded incentives and strategic scheme integrations with financial services. They partner with major payment methods like MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS, generating revenue from their extensive reward programs.

Retailer-Funded Incentives

Retailer-funded incentives play a crucial role in Loyalty Boomerang’s model. When customers shop at over 300 retail partners, a portion of their spending is returned as rewards which are added to their super balances. This not only benefits the consumers by enhancing their retirement savings but also promotes customer loyalty, encouraging repeat business.

Scheme Integrations with Financial Services

Loyalty Boomerang integrates with various financial services to enhance its reward programs. As a partner with MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS, it utilises a cloud-based API-first platform that allows seamless integration into different financial networks. This integration ensures that their reward schemes are compatible with modern banking systems, offering a smooth user experience and facilitating ease of rewards redemption.

Payment Methods and Partnerships

The payment methods employed by Loyalty Boomerang include major cards like MasterCard, Visa, and EFTPOS. By partnering with these giants, Loyalty Boomerang ensures widespread usability and acceptance across 2,200 in-store locations and 300 online merchants. This broad acceptance enables customers to easily participate in reward programs without having to alter their usual payment habits, making the program user-friendly.

Revenue from Reward Programs

Revenue generation for Loyalty Boomerang comes from their extensive reward programs. They collaborate with financial institutions and retail partners to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem. Through these programs, fees are collected from partner retailers and financial institutions, which help in sustaining and expanding their offerings. Active Super's new program with Loyalty Boomerang also showcases how exclusivity in partnerships can offer a competitive edge and attract more users.

Global Reach and Localisation

Loyalty Boomerang's approach to global reach focuses on expanding into new regions, tailoring to local cultures, and ensuring a diverse customer experience.

The Australian Market

In Australia, Loyalty Boomerang's presence is felt both online and in in-store locations. Sydney, being a major hub, plays a crucial role. Loyalty Boomerang collaborates with small businesses to integrate their loyalty programmes.

This local fit is achieved by understanding unique market dynamics and customer preferences in Australia. Special campaigns tailored for Australians boost engagement and loyalty.

Expansion into New Regions

Expanding into new regions requires a well-planned strategy. Loyalty Boomerang looks into market research to understand the cultural, economic, and competitive landscapes of the new areas.

This expansion involves setting up in-store locations and boosting their online presence. The focus is on replicating the success seen in established markets by customising strategies to fit new environments. This results in stronger customer relationships and increased market penetration.

Localisation Strategies

Localisation is key to Loyalty Boomerang's success in diverse markets. By personalising marketing materials and product offerings to reflect local cultures, they create a strong connection with customers.

Local experts are often consulted to ensure cultural sensitivity. Effective localisation also involves adapting language, design, and messaging to resonate with the target audience. This tailored approach helps in overcoming barriers and fostering loyalty.

Multi-Cultural Customer Experience

Creating a multi-cultural customer experience is essential for a globally expanding brand. Loyalty Boomerang ensures that all customer touchpoints, whether online or in-store, cater to a broad and diverse customer base.

This involves offering multi-language support and culturally relevant promotions. The aim is to make every customer feel valued and understood, regardless of their background. This inclusive approach enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty across different regions.

Future of Loyalty Boomerang Programs

Loyalty Boomerang programs are set to be redefined by tech advancements, new reward schemes, and increased focus on regulatory and ethical issues.

Predicting Market Evolution

The loyalty management market is expected to grow, driven by tech advancements and customer demand for personalised experiences. Market leaders like Loyalty Boomerang will likely adopt AI-driven chatbots and mobile apps to enhance user engagement. Companies that offer superannuation benefits, such as Active Super, will find their rewards programs becoming more integrated into everyday financial decisions, offering more real-time updates and benefits to their members.

Innovations in Reward Systems

The future of loyalty programs involves a shift towards more sophisticated reward systems. Loyalty Boomerang may enhance its Super Booster program by incorporating leaderboards, gamification, and personalised rewards. This will encourage active members to engage more frequently. Redeem options could expand to include not only retail but also unique experiences and financial services, ensuring comprehensive benefit systems for participants.

Regulatory and Ethical Considerations

Regulatory frameworks are evolving to address the complexities of modern loyalty programs. Companies like Loyalty Boomerang must prioritise data privacy and ethical handling of consumer data. With superannuation being a critical aspect, ethical considerations become even more significant. Loyalty program managers should focus on transparency and adhere to government regulations to maintain consumer trust and avoid potential legal pitfalls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Businesses can greatly benefit from digital loyalty cards, offering seamless integration with customer management platforms and influencing customer behaviour. Here are common questions answered:

How can a digital loyalty card benefit my business?

A digital loyalty card simplifies reward tracking and reduces physical card production costs. It enhances customer convenience, leading to higher engagement rates.

What features should I look for in a free digital loyalty card app?

Look for features such as easy integration with point-of-sale systems, real-time reward tracking, and user-friendly interfaces. Customisation options and data analytics are also important.

What are the advantages of using a loyalty app compared to traditional loyalty cards?

Digital loyalty apps provide immediate updates and reduce the risk of lost cards. They offer better data insights into customer behaviour, enabling more targeted marketing efforts.

How does a digital loyalty system integrate with existing customer management platforms?

Integration usually involves using APIs to connect the digital loyalty system with customer management platforms. This allows for seamless synchronisation of customer data and reward tracking.

In what ways can a loyalty programme influence customer behaviour?

Loyalty programmes can encourage repeat purchases and increase customer retention. Special rewards for frequent shoppers can drive more sales and foster brand loyalty.

How do I ensure customer data security when using digital loyalty programmes?

Ensure the app uses encryption and complies with data protection regulations. Regularly update security protocols and educate staff on data privacy best practices.