
PNG DataCo is a state-owned entity in Papua New Guinea enhancing connectivity with a 12,000km fiber optic network and strategic partnerships.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Loyalty Extension

Research Report

PNG DataCo is a state-owned company that is revolutionising the telecommunications landscape in Papua New Guinea. By managing the National Transmission Network (NTN), DataCo provides vital connectivity across the country. This network includes extensive fibre optic and satellite systems that link towns, international paths, and Internet gateways.

DataCo's infrastructure includes over 12,000km of fibre optic cable, making it a key player in the region's telecommunications. With three data centres and 51 satellite facilities spread across 67 districts, it offers robust services such as wholesale internet and secure cloud services. The company is also involved in the Melanesian Cable project, which aims to enhance connectivity further.

Strategic partnerships are central to DataCo's operations. Collaborations with international and regional partners help in cable protection and other crucial areas. This government-backed initiative aims to not only improve the national telecommunications structure but also offer advanced services to retail providers.

Key Takeaways

  • DataCo manages the National Transmission Network (NTN)
  • The company operates 12,000km of fibre optic cable
  • DataCo focuses on strategic partnerships and advanced services

Overview of DataCo

PNG DataCo Limited plays a significant role in Papua New Guinea's telecommunications sector. It has a rich history, serves critical functions in the country's network infrastructure, and operates with a clear vision and mission.

History of PNG DataCo Limited

PNG DataCo Limited, established in 2014, was formed by the government of Papua New Guinea. Its creation aimed to manage and develop the country's national transmission network. Over the years, DataCo has grown, extending its infrastructure to include submarine cables and terrestrial links. This development was part of a broader strategy to boost digital connectivity across urban and remote areas.

Initially, DataCo focused on connecting major cities. As its capacity grew, it began to extend its reach to remote and underserved regions, ensuring more comprehensive coverage. The company has continually upgraded its technology and infrastructure to keep pace with global standards.

DataCo's Role in Papua New Guinea

DataCo plays a pivotal role in enhancing telecommunications in Papua New Guinea. It operates the national transmission network, a backbone that supports the bulk of the country's internet and communication services. This network includes submarine cables and fibre-optic links connecting various parts of Papua New Guinea.

By managing this infrastructure, DataCo ensures reliable and efficient data transmission. It also enables local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deliver better services to end-users. DataCo's efforts have been crucial for connecting remote areas, facilitating communication, and driving economic development.

Additionally, DataCo works with international partners to improve connectivity and bring technological advancements to Papua New Guinea. These collaborations help in upgrading existing infrastructure and expanding network coverage.

Vision and Mission

PNG DataCo Limited's vision is to be the leading provider of reliable, affordable, and high-quality telecommunications services in Papua New Guinea. The company's mission focuses on enhancing digital connectivity and fostering economic growth through robust network infrastructure.

DataCo is committed to ensuring that every part of Papua New Guinea, including the most remote areas, has access to high-speed internet. This commitment is evident in their continuous investments in both technology and infrastructure.

The company's mission also emphasises collaboration with the government and private sector to achieve its goals. By working together, DataCo aims to build a digitally connected nation that supports business, education, and social development.

DataCo's Infrastructure

DataCo plays a crucial role in Papua New Guinea's communications infrastructure with vast networks of submarine cables, a strong national transmission network, and modern data centres that ensure efficient data storage and management.

Submarine Cables Network

DataCo operates a robust submarine cables network connecting Papua New Guinea to international destinations. These cables are essential for providing the backbone for internet service providers and other communications services. They enable high-speed data transfer and support international connectivity. The network includes both international and domestic submarine cables, ensuring redundancy and reliability. Key routes include connections to Australia and other Pacific countries, which are vital for the regional exchange of data and information.

National Transmission Network

The national transmission network managed by DataCo spans over 12,000 km of fibre optic cables, linking 67 out of the 96 districts in Papua New Guinea. This extensive network supports the distribution of internet services and other communications facilities across the country. It includes various forms of infrastructure such as satellites and microwave technology. The government's vision of improving communication is being realised through this network, which is essential for nationwide connectivity and ensures that even remote areas have access to data services.

Data Centres and Storage Solutions

DataCo also oversees several data centres that provide critical storage solutions for various businesses and governmental bodies. These data centres are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure data security and efficient management. The presence of three main tied data centres and 51 satellite infrastructures underscores DataCo’s commitment to catering to the diverse data needs of its clients. The data centres support not just storage but also facilitate data management, cloud services, and redundancy solutions to prevent data loss. This infrastructure is crucial for both daily operations and long-term digital strategy in PNG.

Management and Governance

Effective management and robust governance are key to DataCo's success. These elements ensure that strategic goals are met, risks are managed, and resources are utilised efficiently.

Executive Leadership

The executive leadership at DataCo plays a crucial role in setting the company's direction. The CEO, often the face of the company, works closely with other executives to define and execute business strategies. This involves overseeing day-to-day operations, making major corporate decisions, and setting the company's culture.

Other key figures in the leadership team include the Chief Data Officer (CDO) and the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CDO focuses on data governance and management, ensuring data integrity and security. The CIO, on the other hand, handles the technological infrastructure that supports DataCo's operations. Together, they form a cohesive unit that drives the company towards its goals.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at DataCo provides oversight and guidance. Comprised of experienced professionals from various industries, the board ensures that the company adheres to best practices and regulatory requirements. The chairman leads the board, facilitating discussions and ensuring that decisions are made in the company's best interest.

Board members often include both internal executives and external advisors. This mix brings diverse perspectives to the table, fostering well-rounded decision-making. Key responsibilities include reviewing and approving major policies, financial planning, and monitoring the company’s performance. Their oversight is critical for maintaining the balance between profitability and ethical standards.

Strategic Planning and Execution

Strategic planning at DataCo involves a structured approach to achieving long-term goals. This process is spearheaded by the executive leadership team, with input from the board of directors. The key steps include setting objectives, analysing the internal and external environment, and developing a roadmap to achieve those objectives.

Execution of these strategies involves meticulous planning and resource allocation. Performance metrics are established to track progress and make necessary adjustments. The use of data analytics is central to this process, enabling data-driven decisions that optimise outcomes. Regular reviews ensure that the company stays aligned with its strategic vision, making course corrections as needed to navigate the dynamic market landscape.

Strategic Partnerships

DataCo engages in strategic partnerships that enhance its services, foster innovation, and create synergies with various sectors. These collaborations often involve telecommunications firms, innovative alliances with tech companies, and liaisons with government bodies.

Collaboration with Telecommunication Firms

DataCo has successfully partnered with several telecommunication firms, including Digicel and Telikom PNG. These partnerships allow DataCo to leverage existing telecom infrastructures to enhance data connectivity and security. By working with these telcos, DataCo ensures that their data solutions are robust and meet the high standards required by the telecom industry. This collaboration has led to improved data sharing and storage solutions for both DataCo and its partners, fostering a more seamless integration of services.

Innovative Alliances

DataCo also forms alliances with innovative technology firms to stay ahead in the competitive data industry. Their recent unveiling of 'Collin', an AI-assisted tool, is a prime example of such innovation. Described by CEO Rami Mukhtar as a strategic response to the need for data collaboration and compliance with privacy laws, Collin bridges crucial gaps for businesses. These alliances often focus on developing new tools and technologies that enhance data analysis, client insights, and customer relationship management.

Government Liaisons

DataCo maintains strong relationships with government bodies to ensure compliance with national and international regulations. This is particularly important given the evolving nature of data privacy laws. By working closely with government entities, DataCo helps shape policies that benefit both public institutions and private companies. These liaisons also enable DataCo to offer services that are in line with legal requirements, ensuring data security and privacy for all stakeholders involved.

Market Dynamics

Market dynamics for DataCo revolve around understanding competition, pricing strategies, and market access to optimise their position and improve their market reach. Focusing on these elements can significantly influence their market performance and strategic decisions.

Competition and Positioning

DataCo faces significant competition in the market, necessitating strategic positioning. Competitors include companies leveraging big data analytics to enhance supply chain management. Effective positioning involves identifying unique selling points that differentiate DataCo from its competitors.

Investing in innovative technologies and understanding customer needs can help DataCo stand out. Collaborations with key partners and consistent market analysis can provide insights into competitor strategies. These insights help DataCo anticipate market shifts and adapt accordingly, maintaining a competitive edge.

Pricing Strategies

Pricing is crucial for DataCo's success. Dynamic pricing models that respond to market demand and supply changes can be effective. Utilising data analytics for predictive insights helps in setting competitive prices while maximising profits.

Prices should reflect the value provided to customers, incorporating factors like wholesale infrastructure costs, capital investment, and market conditions. Offering flexible pricing packages can cater to different customer segments, enhancing market penetration. Regularly reviewing pricing strategies ensures they remain aligned with market trends and business objectives.

Market Access and Reach

Expanding market access and reach is vital for DataCo's growth. Penetrating new markets requires a thorough understanding of regional dynamics and customer preferences. Local partnerships and distribution networks can facilitate smoother entry into new regions.

Leveraging online platforms and digital marketing also enhances market access. DataCo should focus on developing a robust supply chain capable of efficient distribution and responsive to market demands. Improving market reach involves both physical presence and digital engagement to capture a wider customer base and increase sales.

Services and Innovation

DataCo is at the forefront of providing advanced ICT solutions and enhancing connectivity to support national development. The company leverages cutting-edge technologies and strategic partnerships to drive innovation across industries.

ICT Solutions

DataCo offers a range of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services. These include cloud solutions, data protection, and privacy-enhancing technologies. Their platform ensures secure data sharing between organisations by integrating state-of-the-art privacy protocols. The flexibility provided by their services allows companies to adapt quickly to rapid technological changes.

A central component of their ICT offerings is the DataCo Collaboration Platform. This platform was developed in collaboration with ANZ's venture arm, 1835i. It facilitates seamless data sharing with an emphasis on compliance and security, making it a trusted choice for enterprises in regulated sectors.

Enhancing Connectivity

Connectivity is another key area where DataCo excels. Their initiatives aim to improve internet access and communication networks. In partnership with companies like Oracle, they are introducing world-class cloud infrastructure in regions like Papua New Guinea. This is designed to enhance digital infrastructure and connectivity (DataCo and Oracle's new MOU).

An example of their work in enhancing connectivity is the merger involving Telikom PNG and bmobile. This merger is expected to drive down costs and stimulate competition and innovation in the telecommunications sector. It integrates the strengths of multiple service providers to create a more robust and efficient network (PNG Government’s merger plan).

Supporting National Development

DataCo is committed to supporting national development through its various initiatives. The collaboration with LiSTNR is a testament to their dedication to creating valuable data partnerships. This partnership is designed to leverage the collaborative power of data while maintaining strict privacy and compliance standards.

Their services aim to modernise the digital landscape in developing regions, ensuring that even the most remote areas benefit from advanced technological solutions. By focusing on improving ICT infrastructure and connectivity, DataCo contributes significantly to the social and economic development of the regions they serve.

Protecting Customer Data

DataCo is committed to protecting customer data through robust security measures, strict data privacy compliance, and building trust with consumers. These elements ensure that customer information remains safe and private.

Security Measures in Place

DataCo employs multiple layers of security to protect customer data. Encryption is used to secure data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains unreadable to unauthorised parties.

Firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) are also put in place to spot and block suspicious activities. Additionally, regular security audits and vulnerability assessments are performed to identify and fix potential weak points in the system.

DataCo uses a multi-factor authentication (MFA) process for access control. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access.

Data Privacy Compliance

DataCo is diligent about complying with data privacy laws and regulations. They stay updated with laws such as GDPR and CCPA to ensure they meet all legal requirements in different regions. This helps protect customer data from unlawful access and ensures transparency in data handling practices.

Customer consent is taken seriously. Before collecting any data, DataCo clearly communicates the purpose and seeks explicit permission from users. Policies are regularly reviewed to address any updates in legal frameworks or industry standards.

Data minimisation principles are strictly followed. DataCo collects only the necessary information needed for its operations. This reduces the risk of excess data being compromised.

Building Trust with Consumers

Trust is built by being transparent about data protection practices. DataCo provides clear and accessible privacy policies that explain how data is collected, used, and protected. Customers are informed about their rights and how they can exercise them.

DataCo encourages customer feedback regarding their data protection concerns. By addressing issues promptly and effectively, they build a customer-centric environment that prioritises privacy.

Regular communications and updates are shared with consumers about the measures in place to secure their data. This ongoing dialogue assures customers that their information is in safe hands and reinforces their trust in DataCo’s services.

By focusing on these areas, DataCo demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding customer data.

Future Outlook

DataCo is poised for significant growth with plans focusing on expanding its network infrastructure, integrating cutting-edge technologies, and ensuring sustainable development in Papua New Guinea.

Expansion Plans

DataCo is planning to extend its infrastructure, especially with the expansion of aerial fibre. This will enhance connectivity across Papua New Guinea, reaching even remote areas. The company also aims to secure more reliable connections to improve network stability. Currently, the National Transmission Network (NTN) consists of 7500 km of fibre optic cable, and there are plans to expand this further. This will help bridge the digital divide, providing high-speed internet to underserved communities.

Emerging Technologies

DataCo is investing in edge technology to bring data processing closer to users, reducing latency and improving performance. This approach supports real-time applications, such as IoT and cloud computing. Furthermore, DataCo is adopting innovative security measures. Their partnerships with industry leaders aim to enhance reliability and trustworthiness. The integration of advanced technologies ensures that DataCo remains at the forefront of the digital revolution in Papua New Guinea.

Sustaining Growth in PNG

DataCo's continued growth in Papua New Guinea relies on several key strategies. Firstly, the focus on building a trustworthy corporate culture, as seen in their core values, is vital for driving success. Additionally, by pre-selling capacity at new data centres, as reported by Business Advantage PNG, DataCo ensures financial sustainability. Their efforts to connect all provinces to the NTN, except Hela and Oro, showcase their commitment to achieving full national connectivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section covers various aspects of DataCo, including their services, presence in different markets, and recent advancements.

What services does Veritas provide within the DataCo portfolio?

Veritas offers a range of services under the DataCo portfolio, including data backup, compliance, and governance solutions. They also provide InfoScale for better data management and infrastructure.

How does DataCo contribute to the Australian market?

DataCo plays a significant role in the Australian market by fostering secure data partnerships. Their platform adheres to global privacy standards, ensuring data security and compliance with local regulations. More details can be accessed here.

Could you describe the global reach and operations of DataCo?

DataCo operates globally, with notable presence in Australia. Their platform supports global privacy standards, making it suitable for international data sharing and compliance. The firm leverages advanced technologies to connect customer consent with enterprise data sharing effectively.

What are the most recent technological advancements introduced by DataCo Technologies?

DataCo Technologies has incorporated the latest privacy and data protection technologies. Their platform is designed to be future-proof, reflecting recommendations from leading global regulators. More about these advancements is detailed here.

What is the physical location of PNG DataCo's headquarters?

PNG DataCo is headquartered in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. This strategic location supports their operations and partnerships within the region. More information about their location can be found here.

Can you delineate the range of consultancy services offered by Dataco Consulting?

Dataco Consulting offers a variety of consultancy services, including data compliance, governance, and information management. They also assist with integrating advanced technologies into existing systems to enhance data security and efficiency.